[Try the Hardhat 3 alpha release]

#Deployment artifacts

Hardhat Ignition stores the information for each of your deployments in folders inside of ./ignition/deployments.

These folders contain all the deployment results, and a journal file which records every deployment action executed, enabling recovery from errors and resuming deployments.

The different files inside each deployment folder are detailed below:

# The journal

The main file in a deployment folder is journal.jsonl. This is where Hardhat Ignition writes every operation it makes, before executing it.

The journal file allows Hardhat Ignition to resume deployments.

# Contract Artifacts and BuildInfos

Hardhat Ignition uses the same format as Hardhat for artifacts and build info files.

The only differences are that the artifacts are stored in ignition/deployment/<DeploymentId>/artifacts, without subfolders, and that their files are named after the Future ID that created them.

As an example, a call to m.contract with ID "foo" in your module "Mod", will create an artifact file ignition/deployment/<DeploymentId>/artifacts/Mod#foo.json.

# Contract addresses

Every deployment folder also contains a deployed_addresses.json, which is a JSON file mapping each successfully executed contract Future to its address.

This means that if you have a call to m.contract, m.library, or m.contractAt with ID "foo" in your module "Mod", the deployed_addresses.json mapping will look like:


  "Mod#foo": "0x..."
